2000a It’s enough funny man: Intensifiers in teenage talk. In J. Kirk (ed). Corpora Galore. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 177-190.
2000b with U-B. Kotsinas and E.M. Drange (eds). Ungdommers språkmöter. Nord 2000:26.
2002a with G. Andersen and I.K. Hasund. Trends in Teenage Talk. Corpus compilation, analysis and findings. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
2002b with E.M. Drange and U-B. Kotsinas (eds). Jallaspråk: slanguage og annet ungdomsspråk i Norden. Kristiansand: Höyskoleforlaget.
2003 It’s not that I really care about him personally you know: The construction of gender identity in London teenage talk. In A. Androutsopoulos and A. Georgakopoulou (eds). Discourse Constructions of Youth Identity. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 110. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins.
2004 a What is going on between speakers? In A. Partington, J. Morley and L. Haarman (eds). Corpora and Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 259-283.
2004 b with K.Aijmer (eds). Discourse Patterns in Spoken and Written Corpora. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Forthcoming f with K. Aijmer (eds). Approaches to Spoken Interaction. Special Issue of Journal of Pragmatics.