On the Sociological Psychology of the Hole

“The most important things are done through tubes. Proof: genitals, pens, and guns.” – Lichtenberg

The hole is a permanent companion of the non-hole;

I’m sorry, but there is no such thing as a hole by itself.

If there were something everywhere, there would be no holes, but there wouldn’t be any philosophy either, not to mention religion, which is holey in origin.

A mouse couldn’t exist without a hole, nor could man. It is the final salvation for both when they are hard-pressed by matter.

A hole is always a Good Thing.

The strangest thing about a hole is its edge.

It’s still part of the Something, but it constantly overlooks the Nothing—a border guard of matter.

Nothingness has no such guard; while the molecules at the edge of a hole get dizzy because they are staring into a hole, the molecules of the hole get… firmy?

There’s no word for it. For our language was created by the Something people; the Hole people speak a language of their own.

The hole is static.

There are no traveling holes.

Almost not .

Holes that are marrying each other become one of their own.

Separate the partition between two holes, does the right edge then belong to the left hole, or the left to

the right, or everybody to itself, or everybody to everybody ?

I’d like to have my worries.

When a hole is filled up, where does it go ?

Will it push itself to the side, right into the material ?

Or will it run to see another hole and tell him about his misery ?

Where does the filled hole remain ?

Nobody knows.

Here, our knowledge … has one.

Where something is, nothing else can be.

Where one hole is , can there be another one ?

And why aren’t there any half-holes ?

Some things lose value because of a single small hole:

because in a part of them there is a “no-thing”, all the rest isn’t worth anything anymore.

Example: a ticket, a virgin, a balloon.

The thing itself still has to be looked for:

the hole itself already is.

One that would be with one foot in a hole and the other foot with us, this one alone would be truly wise.

But no one has been able to achieve this yet.

Some megalomaniacs pretend that the hole is a negative thing. That is not right!

The human being is a not-hole and the hole is primary.

Do not laughole! The hole is the only premonition of paradise down here. When you’re dead, you’ll first realize what life is about.

Kurt Tucholsky 1931